dog face paint

welcome to the photoshop training channel.i have a great tutorial for you, guys, today. we're going to turn this handsome young maninto an older person. now, this young man is me, your host, jesus ramirez. i'm going to use a picture of me that i tookoutside my office and we're going to take these four images to create an older versionof myself. as you can see, we'll start by adding just a few wrinkles to my face andwe'll progress to add new eyebrows, sideburns, and even white hair. so, stick around forthis tutorial. it's a good one. i'm sure you're going to learn a lot. okay, guys, let's getstarted. the first step is to remove my subject from my background. to do that, i'm goingto grab the quick selection tool, which is
this one right here, or you could just clickon w on the keyboard. then, click and drag around your subject until it's selected. andthis tool is doing a pretty good job in this image. it might not be so easy for all depends on what you have. but, in this case, it's doing a really good job. once you've selected your subject, click onthe add layer mask icon, which is this one right here, and it will create a layer mask.then, under your properties-- and by the way, if you don't see this panel, go to windowand click on properties. under properties, click on mask edge so you can make adjustmentsto the layer mask that we just created. then, click on the view and click on black and whiteso that you can see what that mask looks like.
and, as you can see, it's a little bit jaggyon some of the edges, and it's not looking as smooth as i would like it to be. so, tofix that, i'm just going to increase the smoothness just a little bit, so my edges are just alittle smoother. and, probably, smooth that out just a little bit more, and then, pressok. what i'm going to do now is i'm going to createa new layer. i'm going to drag it under the layer of your subject and i'm going to doubleclick on the color, here, and under brightness i'm going to type in 50% so i can get a 50%gray. press ok, and fill that layer with that 50% gray. what i'm going to do now is i'mgoing to zoom in and i'm going to make sure that my mask selected everything that i wantedand it did a pretty good job. i can see a
little bit of a haloing going on and i canfix that in a moment. now, there's a problem, here, that i'm going to have to fix. the hair is okay since we're going to replaceit with gray hair. so, overall it did a great job, but there's a few things i got to fixhere and there. so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go back into my layermask. i'm going to click on mask edge once again, and this time, i'm going to selecton reveal layer. oops, iãm sorry. on layers, which is letter l, by the way, so i can seemy foreground layer with my background layer. and i can increase the shift edge, i mean,in this case, decrease, since we're going into negative percentages. so, it shrinksyour mask and that haloing disappears. so
just take it a little bit a time until it'sgone. if you did too much, you might get a hard edge like you can see here. we're goingto fix that in a moment. so i'm just going to press ok and i'm going to grab my brushtool. with my layer mask selected, i can come in and fix any errors. i can bring back pixels using white and ican take away pixels using black. so, i'm just going to fix some of these edges. and,by the way, we're going to get rid of the ears, so i'm not going to spend too much timeon there. just make sure we got everything else. we lost a little bit of the person here,so i'm going to change my foreground to white and bring some of it back. and it looks likeoverall, it did a great job. all right, that's
fine for now. and the other side is lookinggood. i'm going to double click on my zoom tool, so i can-- actually, i'm going to setit to fit to screen so you can see the entire image. okay, that's the first step. the next thingwe're going to do is we're going to have some guides and these guides are going to helpus align other images to our current image, and you'll see what i mean by that in a moment.the first guide i want to add is i want to add a guide directly down the middle of mycanvass. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into view, new guide, select orientationto vertical. under position, type 50%, then press ok, and photoshop automatically createsa vertical guide down the middle of the canvass.
if the person that you're photoshopping isnot dead center in the middle, i'll put him there since it makes things much easier. so,as you can see, mine already matches perfectly. the next step is we're going to add a fewmore guides. so i'm going to add a couple of guides, here, where my face ends, and onthe other side as well. and i'm going to add one guide for the hair line, one guide forthe center of the eyes, one guide for the nose, one for the mouth, and one for the chin.then, i'm going to grab one and put it right, so we create a center point right in the eye,and another one in the other eye. and this is going to help us place our image. next,i'm going to rename this layer "original." i'm going to duplicate it, and i'm going toclose the layer below, and then this first
one, i'll just name it "old 01." next, we're going to bring in some imagesthat are going to help us add some wrinkles and some texture to this face. so, i'm goingto go to file, place, and i'm going to select this image right here, "old 01" and i'm justgoing to hold alt and shift to increase the size of this image, and so it increases fromthe middle. and you can kind of guess what i'm going to do. i'm going to try to matchthese guides onto this face so it matches the face underneath. okay, so we have hairline,we have the eyes, we have the nose, mouth and chin. this is, actually, pretty good,maybe, just turn it just a little more a little bit to the left. actually, it's a little wide,so let me just bring it this way, just a little
bit. all right, that's going to be good. then,i'm going to press enter. i'm going to right click on my layer, and click on rasterizelayer, which is this option right here. i'm going to press ctrl a to highlight everything.i'm going to go to image and crop, and i'm going to select just his head and a littleof his neck, as well. and then, right click on that, and click select inverse, and thendelete. we don't need anything but his head. i'm going to press ctrl h to hide my guides,and by the way, if i bring down the opacity, you'll see how well that match, so you cankind of see how well that matches, so you can kind of tell what we're going to do. we'regoing to grab some of his wrinkles and apply
it to this face. isn't this cool? even this,right here, looks pretty cool. but, anyway, so i'm going to set that backto a hundred. i'm going to click and drag this layer over to the side, somewhere aboutthere, and i'm going to press ctrl e on my keyboard, which will merge these two intoone layer. and we need to have both of these in one layer so we can work with them. sopress ctrl e and i'm going to apply my layer mask. so now i have both images in one layer.what we're going to do now is we're going to use the patch tool to our advantage, whichis this one, right hereã³the patch tool. and, then, set your source to destination, andyou can click and drag areas where there's wrinkles, and drag them over to your image,and they will apply those wrinkles to your
image. so, as you can see, it applied thosewrinkles there. i'm going to press ctrl d to deselect that, or command d on the mac,by the way. and this is a little too harsh. this is notexactly what we're going for. so i'm going to click on my history panel and, actually,you know what? before i do that, i'm going to click on merge down so we can go back intothis step where we merged down the layer. i'm going to click on this little photo camera,here, which will create a snapshot of this particular history. so the first one shouldbe your original image, and then, this snapshot is of the merged down step. i'm going to clickon deselect, so we can come back to the time where we placed that patch on my face.
then, on your ã¬snapshot 1,ã® click on thebox right next to that and you'll notice the icon of the brush history tool. the brushhistory tool is essentially a brush that paints history. so, no matter what changes we maketo this image, if you use the brush history tool, it will bring it back to that state.let me show you what i mean. i'm going to click on the brush history tool, increasethe size of that brush, and i can paint away the wrinkles i added. now, this is prettycool because, now, we can go to edit, fade history brush, and we can fade how we deletedthat. so you can see, we can bring just a little bit or all of those wrinkles. so idon't want it all. i don't want them all. i just want a little bit. so, maybe, somethinglike that, 61% works for this particular piece.
then, i can use my brush tool to kind of blendin those wrinkles just a little bit better, and that's all we're going to do. we're goingto take this image and three others and we're going to keep adding wrinkles to this, i'm going to pause the video in just a few moments and show you what that ultimatelylooks like since it can take some time, and i'm sure you don't want to sit there for twohours looking at me, putting wrinkles on my face. but before i let you go, i want to showyou a few other things, for you to keep in mind. the other thing i want to show you is youcan use the patch tool and, as we did before, just put it over and that's great. but theother thing you can do is you can actually
draw with your lasso tool on, for example,let's say, this side of my nose, here, and we know we want to target this area. you canmove it to your source image, and then, click on the patch tool and drag that over. so,now, we have exactly the shape that we want selected. so we don't have to estimate onthis side and bring it over to this side to find out the width and select the right amountof space. but, anyway, i'm going to press ctrl d to deselect, use the brush tool onceagain. i, usually, like to delete it all, and then use the fade history brush, whichis shift ctrl f or shift command f on the mac. and i'll just bring that back and you cansee he's adding some really nice wrinkles,
right about 32% or so. and, again, i'm goingto use the history brush tool to kind of feather the edges and that's pretty much it. that'sall we're going to do. and, by the way, if you have hair on your face, like i do here,i will remove that since if we add hair onto there, and it did a good job here, but i haveblack hair. if you have a different color hair, it might not work as well. in some areas,it doesn't work as well. this is actually a bad example because it worked great, butit doesn't always work this great. so, what i would do is i would just use the clone toolto remove any hair, and press alt for a place where i want to gather my source pixels from.and i will just remove it. it would just make things much easier. okay. so what i'm goingto do now is i'm just going to pause this
video and i'll add more wrinkles and i'llsee you in just a moment. okay, guys, we're back, and, as you can see,now i'm working with a different image. i've added more wrinkles to my face. the next stepis to use the liquify tool, and i want to match the eyes of this person. as you cansee, as you get older, your eyes are sagging, just a little bit. so i want my eyes to havethat same shape, so i'm going to go to filter, liquify and i'm going to zoom in just a littlebit. oops, that's too much. and, i'm just going to increase the brush size and kindof add that shape to my eyes, and be careful not to distort the eyes, too much. so you'rejust kind of adding that tired sagging look to them. you might also want to add more volumeto your nose if you need to. as you get older,
your nose is going to get bigger and theystart sagging just a little bit more as well. and your chin is not as defined, so i mightas well add some of that. and, you tend to gain a little weight, so, maybe, just makeyour face just a little bit wider. and when you're done you can just press ok. and, as you can see, our old person's startingto look a little older. there's still a lot of work to do. we still got to work on theeyebrows, we got to work on the ears, we got to work on the hair. again, i'm going to pausethe video. i just wanted to show you that liquify that i did, so you could do it toyour image. now, i want to briefly tell you what i'm going to do for the ears and theeyebrows. as i said before, i'm not going
to go into exactly how i'm going to do itsince this is going to take some time, but i want to show you the techniques. for the ears, what i'm going to do is i wantto use this man's ears, and, by the way, my source files, i'm going to have them for you,guys, on my website. so, you can just scroll under the video, the links are there. so photoshoptrainingchannel.comif you're not there now. so, i'm going to use the lasso tool, and i'm just going totrace around his ear. it's okay if i don't do a good job, if i missed a part; i can justhold shift, and then just draw that back in. and, actually, to make my life a little biteasier, i'm going to hold alt, which is option on the mac, and i'm going to just try to getas close to the edge as i can. i know i can
do a little bit better. actually, here, ihave a better idea. i'm going to click on the quick mask mode, and i'm just going topaint with black so i can just get the ear and nothing else; just makes things so mucheasier when we try to place the ear on the actual face. and the reason we're using this ear is because,you know, as with everything else, they just start looking old and, obviously, at thispoint in time, i have young-looking ears. so, i'm going to try to get this old-lookingear on to my face. so that now that's selected, i'm just going to press edit, copy, and i'mgoing to paste it. now, that's a long way. another thing you can do is just layer, new,layer via copy. so it just creates a new layer
via our copy so you don't have to do edit,copy and paste. just a little trick there for you, and i'm just going to place this,here, where my ear is. press ctrl t, drag the pivot point down to the bottom of theear so it rotates from that point, and it scales from that point. so we're just goingto try to match my ear as best as possible. now, you might not get it through 100%, andthat's okay. just press enter, and then, go into liquify once again. click on liquifyand try to match the shape of your ear, so it looks more like your ear and not somebodyelse's ear just photoshopped onto you. so, once you matched the shape of your ear, pressok and add a layer mask. select the black on your foreground. select a soft brush. increasethe size if you need to by clicking on the
bracket keys on your keyboard and featherthe edges. and that's what we're going to do for both of our ears. our ears took a littlebit older. also, on this particular ear, it's a littlemore red than my skin tone, so, you can just go image, adjustment, hue/ saturation, andadd a little bit of hue towards the yellow, maybe, a little bit lighter, less saturation.and, something like that looks a little more like my skin tone. so, that's now and thisis before. so, as you can see, it's a little bit of improvement. and you might, also, wantto play around with image, adjustment, color balance, and, you know, add yellow if youneed to, or add red, or whatever colors you may need to add in your shadows, midtonesor highlights. i'm just going to cancel all
of that. now, i'm going to do the same thing for theother ear, but i'll do that off camera. and, i'm also going to add new eyebrows. so, letme show you how to do that. i'm going to click on the layer that i'm working on, and i'mjust going to draw with the marquee tool around my eyebrow. and i'm going to find a spot wherethere are no wrinkles, just this texture here; just my old skin texture. grab your patchtool. make sure it's set to destination. uncheck transparent. click and drag that over to whereyour eyebrow is and it will get rid of the eyebrow. now, go to your history brush, andif you got a stop sign like this, it means that your history's not set. something happened,something changed, that it can't read from
your snapshot. so, what you can do is you can, also, useone of the previous steps. so i'm going to go patch selection. actually, i'm sorry. thatwouldn't work. if i click on patch selection, nothing will happen under move selection,and then, it will bring your eyebrow back. now, what you can do, again, is go into edit,fade, and you can fade your eyebrow. now, as you get old, your eyebrows are not as prominent,so something about 39-40% will work. i will just leave it at 41 and press ok. then i willdo the same thing for both eyebrows, and i would draw in some new eyebrows with whitehair. now, the way i'm going to do that is i createda new brush, and let me show you what that
looks like. i created a brush out of thispath. all i did is i created a path that looks like a hair strand using the pencil. then,i took that path and i set a soft brush to 2 pixels, set my foreground to black, theni click on my path selection tool, click on stroke, and i stroke my brush. and it createdthis hair strand. once my hair strand is created, i went into edit, define brush preset, andit turned it into a brush. now, if i click on my brush tool, you will see that this,right here, is the brush that i createdã³my hair strand brush. if i go to the brush preset options, you'llsee that i've added an angle of 90 degrees, roundness 100%, spacing 25. i added some shapedynamics, set my size jitter to 100, minimum
diameter to 1%, angle jitter 9%, roundness19%. and, by the way, the angle jitter, the control was set to directionã³that's reallyimportant. then, my minimum roundness to 25% and i added just a little bit of smoothing.and when i draw, i get this. now, this doesn't look like much, here, but if i bring my brushsize down, you can just kind of click and draw, kind of looks like hair. so that's whati'm going to use for my eyebrows, my sideburns and nose hair, your hair, different type offacial hair that i'm going to add to my image. so, i'm going to go back into my working composition.i'm going to set my foreground to white. select that same brush tool, and bring the size down,and just draw my eyebrows in a new layer. once you do that, you can bring the opacitydown, and you can also press ctrl t, click
on warp, so you can warp that eyebrow so ithas just a little more shape, if need be. press enter when you're done. you can alsoduplicate your layer, and, maybe, move it up, down, whatever works for you, and justdecrease the opacity, just to add a little more shape to it, and might want to have bothof those into one group, and then, control the opacity of both. so that's how i'm goingto add my eyebrows. so, once again, i'm going to pause the video and come back once i'vedone the ears and the eyebrows. okay, guys, we're back. as you can see, ibrought in another image and i used him to add a little more definition to my cheeks,here, to the wrinkles on my cheeks, to my chin; just use them for a few areas, as youcan see, this part here, and the wrinkles
on his forehead are part of that man. so far,we used three different images. also, i added the eyebrows as i showed you before. you mightnot be able to tell but there's some really, really tiny strands of nose hair coming outof the nose, and a few in the ears. it might be a little bit hard to tell on your screenright now, but you can see the final image at my website and you can probably see itthere. also, i've gone and added some of my blemishes on my face that are prominent, likeunder my lip or above my lip. these are very prominent to me. so, i just added that extralayer so they would still be there. let me go ahead and turn on the original layerso you could see. as you can see, these, here, they're really prominent on my face. so, bykeeping those, i think, it adds another step
of realism. so i'm going to go ahead and bring--the next step is to create our old person hair. again, i'm not going to show you everystep but i'll tell you exactly what i'm going to do. one of the first steps i'm going todo is to create a new layer. i'm going to use that hair strand brush and i'm going tocreate some sideburns for myself. i'm just going to draw those in and, obviously, i'mdoing it faster than i would. since i know the hair that i'm going to be bringing indoes not have the sideburns that i'm looking for. so, anyway, once i draw my sideburns, i mightneed to bring the opacity down on them, or even change the color. one thing i can dois i can lock my transparent pixels so i can
only draw in the pixels that are visible,not the invisible ones. what that allows me to do is i can set a color, for example, maybe,this brown there. go to edit, fill, and use foreground color, and it will fill those strandsof hair with that color. then i can go to edit, fade, and fade those, so maybe they'renot white. maybe they're taking some of that brown from my skin. so, that's something thati'm probably going to do on the hair that i'm about to bring in. so, the hair that i'm going to use, i'm goingto press ctrl z or command z to undo those. the hair that i'm going to use is from thisgentleman, right here. sky has similar hair to mine and i'm just going to copy about thismuch. go to copy, and just bring it over on
to the composition that i'm working on andpaste it. and i'm going to try to match it as best as i can on my forehead. i'm goingto bring back my guides so i can see where my hairline is. and, actually, his hair partson his right, mine parts on my left, so i'm just going to do a horizontal flip on thatand just bring the hair in as best as i can. i'm going to bring the opacity down so i cansee the layer underneath. okay, maybe, even make it just a little smaller. it's a littletoo big at this point. and bring that over to the-- and something like that. it wouldprobably work. so i'm going to bring the opacity back to 100. press ctrl h to hide all my guidesand all my other visual aids. i'm going to add a layer mask, and i'm just going to drawin with black.
oops. let me choose a different brush. i'mgoing to choose one of these soft brush tools. press ctrl z to undo that. i didn't mean todo that. and i'm just going to draw in my face again and i'm going to give myself ahaircut here because that's not how my hair looks. so, again, you don't have to be tooperfect at this stage. you can make some mistakes but you will have to fix them up at one point.i just kind of want to get this going to show you. okay. so that; even that, right therelooks pretty good. that looks a lot like my hair already and i'm just going to zoom in.and a few things that i would recommend doing is using your smudge tool. when you're onyour layer mask, you can use the smudge tool to smudge in some hair strands. so this iskind of what i like to do so that you can
see how you can bring out some hairs. so, when you're creating a layer mask, youdon't have a hard edge. you can actually use the smudge tool after your hard edge and bringout some hairs. it just makes things a lot more realistic and they don't look as flatand sharp. they look more like real hair would look. so you can do that to bring hairs inor bring hairs out. and, as i said before, i added this layer of sideburns, right there,and you can kind of work with that layer to match your hair. now, that, as i said before,this hair is way too bright. it's not going to be 100% white. so, what i can do is i canjust take the color of this darker white, probably. oops, got to select the actual layer,not the layer mask, probably, that color right
there and go to edit, fill. make sure yourpixels are lockedã³your transparent pixels. fill, use foreground color, press ok. go toedit, fade, and you find a nice medium, maybe, 75%. and that looks pretty good on this side.and, of course, i would have to mask out the hair just a little bit more to make everythingmatch. but, that's essentially what i'm going to do. so, once again, i'm going to pausethe video and i'll come back when i'm done. okay, guys, this is my final image. as youcan see, i've gone ahead and added the hair. one thing i had to do is i had to remove myoriginal hair since it was distracting from that hair, since it poked out of the background.i had to add just a little more skin right above my hairline, just to cover the maskthat i created so that it blended better.
also, i added some ear hair, here. you cankind of see it. i don't know how visible it's going to be on the video, but you can checkout the final image, i think, that will give you a better view of it there. and i addedsome strands of white hair to my eyelashes, since as you age, your eyelashes starts toget white as well. your hair here, nose hair coming out of the nose, and, as i said before,i kept in all the blemishes. oh, yeah, and i added some white dots just above my lips,since, you know, also, your facial hair starts getting light. i had some black facial hairso i kind of hit it a little bit with some white dots there. so you might want to dothe same. also, since this image was extracted from its background, you can add whateverbackground you want to it, or you can leave
the same background you originally had. whateveryou like, it's up to you. so, before i let you go, i'd just, quickly, want to show youa before and after. so this is the before and that's the after. so, i don't know. ithink we did a good job here. what do you, guys, think? i would love to see what you guys come upwith, so feel free to post your before and afters on my website, on my facebook. thewebsite is the facebook is, thanks for watching. and, as always, feel free to share this on facebook, twitter,wherever you guys share your stuff. and, if you haven't already subscribed to my youtubechannel and subscribe to my email list, if
you subscribe to my email list, you will receivean email every time i put up a new tutorial and you will, also, get "subscribers only"tutorials. actually, if you're subscribed right now, there's a tutorial that's not onmy website. it's not on my youtube. it's only for my subscribers. so, i'll be doing thoseperiodically, so feel free to join, and just get some more free photoshop training. thankyou so much and i'll talk to you, guys, next time. bye bye.
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